Export Options
Parent page: WorkspaceManager Dialogs
The Export Options dialog is used to configure what is to be included in your exports.
The dialog is accessed in the following ways:
- Click Save in the Export File dialog ( Outputs | Export | ).
- Project | to open the Generate output files dialog. Click Configure next to Export STEP in the Outputers region.
3D Bodies Export Options
These options apply to components that have both extruded (simple) 3D bodies and Generic 3D bodies assigned to them:
- Prefer simple bodies - export the extruded (simple) 3D body version of the component.
- Prefer Generic 3D models - export the Generic 3D body version.
- Export both simple bodies & Generic 3D models - export both extruded and Generic 3D body versions.
Pad Holes
Select which holes to include in the exported file.
- Export Mechanical Component Pad Holes - check this box to export any mechanical component pad holes.
- Export Electrical Component Pad Holes - check this box to export any electrical component pad holes.
- Export Free Pad Holes - check this box to export any free pad holes.
Component Suffix
Specify the suffix of the exported components:
- None - No suffix will be applied to components.
- Generic 3D Filename - use the Generic 3D filename as the component suffix.
- Custom - select to customize the component suffix and enter text in the box.