Set Origin
This command is used to define a location in the workspace as the new (relative) origin and resets its coordinates to 0, 0.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a crosshair and you will be prompted to select the new relative origin. Position the cursor at the new location in the workspace then click. The point will be set to 0, 0 and all objects in the workspace will have their locations updated relative to this point.
In PCB Editor, run the Home | Grids and Units | Origin | Set command.
Reset Origin
This command is used to set the relative origin back to the default absolute origin at the extreme lower-left of the document workspace.
Run the Home | Grids and Units | Origin | Reset command.
After launching the command, the absolute origin at the lower-left of the document workspace will become restored with coordinates (0,0).
Once the absolute origin has been restored, the screen will refresh and all design objects will have their locations recalculated, relative to this default origin.
Absolute Origin
This command is used to jump to the absolute origin of the document. After launching the command, the cursor will jump to the absolute origin at the lower-left corner of the workspace.
Run the Home | Grids and Units | Origin | Absolute Origin command.
Current Origin
This command is used to jump to the relative origin of the current document. After launching the command, the cursor will jump to the current (or relative) 0,0 origin in the workspace.
Run the Home | Grids and Units | Origin | Current Origin command.
The cursor will be positioned on the target, only redrawing the screen if the search target is outside the current display area. When a redraw is needed, the target will be centered in the main design window.